Friday, July 20, 2007


This blog is intended to document, with pictures, videos, and text, the successes and failures of our beekeeping experience. We started the hive in April with one Queen and 3 pounds of bees (approximately 10,000).

Here's what's happened so far: April through May the bees were doing great. They filled the lower brood box with lots of pollen, wax, and larvae. During the last part of June, they swarmed and we lost the Queen and about half of the colony. We then began checking the brood chamber more often and destroyed about 5 Queen cells while noticing approximately 10 Queen cells that were opened and vacant.

Three days ago, July 17th, we observed the new Queen in the brood chamber and she appeared fat and happy. So we added a second deep and a super. The activity of the bees over the past few days has increased and we're hoping that's an indication of a honey flow.

1 comment:

Kurt Grosshans said...

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