Friday, June 26, 2009


Very little build up in any of the six hives. Talked with Graham yesterday and he said that he's having the same problem/issue...bees not pulling comb which means that there's no honey flow. This is probably due to the extensive rains that we had for a three week, non-stop period. We have missed the early honey flow and are now keeping fingers crossed for mid to late July.

Clem emailed me yesterday and said that he has one hive that has already produced 1.5 supers full of honey! What a difference a few miles makes because Mollie is experiencing the same thing we are.

Have begun feeding again with a 1 part sugar to 2 parts water syrup. Five of the six hives are drinking over a pint a day. I noticed yesterday that my first nuc hive has not touched the syrup.

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