Sunday, May 11, 2008

May Check of Hive # 1

Hive number one is the second year hive consisting of two brood chambers and a small super.

Casey and I pulled all the frames from the upper chamber and photographed them. How come everytime we do a photo check, I get stung...twice! Maybe the bees are camera shy.

As can be seen by the photos, all seems to be progressing well except for the super. Absolutely no progress. Same amount of drawn, white comb on the center three frames. All other frames are either empty or have very little drawn comb on them. See picture. The new frames that we put in two weekends ago when we split, seem to be progressing. Theres drawn white comb on all new frames. There's always a lot of activity coming in and out of this hive. Lots of polen being brought in.

I removed the Queen excluder.

I have not been feeding them sugar syrup but maybe I will start and feed for the next two or three weeks.

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